Photos are recreated exactly as per the photo provided. Changing the photo after your order has been placed, on the basis of 'change of mind' may incur a redesign fee.
So please choose carefully!

Please ensure that you upload the image(s) in the best resolution as possible to ensure all details can be illustrated and to create a photo which is as accurate as possible.

If the photo is too blurry to salvage or not appropriate, we will be in contact with you via email to try and get a better reference photo for the creation of your portrait. Please note that photos which have a filter on them (e.g. Snapchat) can decrease the level of detail in the illustration as they ted to smooth out the skin.

Illustrations resemble a rendered cartoon style and are not intended to appear realistic.



Yes! We are able to combine multiple images into one for our pet portraits, they will simply be placed side-by side with one another. Please try keep the angles of the pets similar so that perspective isn't distorted in the final combined portrait.

We often get asked if we are able to combine images to create 'a moment that never happened'. We are able to do this with people for half body portraits, however, we suggest you contact us via email prior to placing an order so that we can view all desired images and ensure that they are ideal to create the perfect cohesive portrait.





People Portraits

A 'half body' is classified from the hips upwards.
(If any subject in the photo is pictured showing more than this or when in doubt, please select the 'full body' option to avoid additional charges or delays in your portrait)


Pet Portraits

A 'half body' is classified from the chest upwards.
(If any subject in the photo is pictured showing more than this or when in doubt, please select the 'full body' option to avoid additional charges or delays in your portrait))



(If a full body image is provided and you have selected a half body format, we will adjust/crop the image to suit the selected format.
Please note, if you have provided a half body portrait and select a full body format, we are unable to illustrate something that is not depicted in the photo.
In the event where there are mixed formats in the reference photo (half body and full body) please select FULL BODY to ensure you are not subject to further charges and to not experience delays in receiving your order. We hold the right to refuse beginning illustrating your portrait until the correct payment amount has been provided.)